Friday, February 1, 2013

Texas Case 95-1002 and HAGUE Case 94135

On November 16, 1995, in cause no. 95-1002, the Corporate Supreme Court of the STATE OF TEXAS passed for want of jurisdiction concerning the sovereign Nation of
the republic of Texas. The ruling from this Court establishes the truth and the fact that the STATE OF TEXAS and its Corporate political Subdivisions (Hereinafter "THE STATE OF TEXAS") has Want of Jurisdiction and/or venue over the sovereign De Jure republic of Texas and its declared Texian National citizens, whether it be through the corporate government of THE STATE OF TEXAS and/or its corporate Administrative Agencies, such as the STATE BAR OF TEXAS with its 3rd party agents and/or THE STATE OF TEXAS Corporate Judicial System of Administrative Courts.

On December 18, 1995, Cause No. 94135, The International Court of Justice (ICJ), which has its seat in The Hague, and is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations ruled Want of Jurisdiction concerning the Nation of the republic of Texas. Let it be noted the ICJ cannot rule on sovereign issues. It can only on CORPORATE issues
between CORPORATE NATIONS or STATES with differences between two or more CORPORATIONS or CORPORATE STATES due to its own corporate status.

Notice of perpetrated Fraud:

Pending a Default of Notices above, the named entities, you, COMMISSIONER JERRY PATTERSON representing the TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE in collusion with THE STATE OF TEXAS and/or State of Texas, will have acquiesced to the Declaration of Fraud as fact. Let it now be noted that Fraud through trickery, color of law and collusion is being perpetrated, and has been perpetrated, upon the Texian people of this republic, being Texas. Be advised that all lands within the geographical and political boundaries of this Nation, being the republic of Texas, belong to the true Overseer our Creator of the lands and the Texian people are its caretakers not you and/or the Corporation(s) figureheads.

1. It is hereby noted, the Corporation(s), THE STATE OF TEXAS and/or the State of
Texas, is fraudulently acting as the peoples Representative Government of Texas. This authority has been challenged as fraud since March 1996 when served to then Governor, George W. Bush in Austin, republic, being Texas. All demands to show authority have never been rebutted.

2. Whereas; the fraud is presently being used for the attempted and actual theft of peoples lands from several families of Texians within the geographical and political boundaries of the Nation of the republic, being Texas. This theft is being perpetrated by claiming lands through collusion by trickery using color of law and fraud using the preface of Public Domain, bad surveys, Ad valorem and other unlawful corporate taxes, use of Merchant
Law, non-organic constitutional Commercial Courts and bypassing all the peoples' natural rights derived from their Creator God, and the peoples Declaration of Rights. All
construed without the authority or permission from the Texian people. Therefore, without permission, Venue and/or Jurisdiction, under man's International Common Law, THE STATE OF TEXAS and/or State of Texas, is creating criminal trespass and/or theft by Fraud and/or Commercial Trickery.

The Texian people being lawful private landowners by and through their Creator of the
Lands given by HIS authority, press for the following:

The Texian People, declare that any agreements (commercial or otherwise) created by man between the foreign entities the UNITED STATES and THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE STATE OF WYOMING, THE STATE OF KANSAS, THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, UNITED NATIONS, NATO, THE WORLD COURT, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, or any other derivatives used by any of the above, does not apply to the Texian People of the republic of Texas, and will not be recognized by the Texian People without a properly recorded and sealed Treaty of Commerce or Treaty of Peace between our Nation, the republic of Texas and any other lawful Nation(s).

The Texian People, declare that the corporate foreign entities inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas have no ceded Jurisdiction or Venue or Charter to operate commercially. We do not give permission to fraudulently convert our family names, our land titles, use trickery for compliance, harass, threaten, or intimidate WE the Texian people of Texas by any means over the rightful ownership of private property.

The Texian People, demand all documentation from THE STATE OF TEXAS and/or the State of Texas showing its authority for converting family names and family land titles or any other contractual authority to lay claim/reclaim to any Texian National citizen's private Homestead and/or property be brought forward for lawful verification under our authority.
The Sovereign Texian People, being living souls, derived their life from the sovereign
Creator of the universe and plead that our inherited rights to claim the land of Texas was derived from the Creator of all destinies by covenant not by man created Corporations, Fictions, Trust, Charters and all boundaries were permanently installed within several sealed international treaties for the people forever. Having presented our case to you and Absent a positive truthful reply in this, the matter will be turned over to our Father in
Heaven who is the final authority for he has stated, Vengeance is mine.
The Land of Texas will forever belong to the people.

The Peoples' rights are inalienable, unalienable, imprescriptible and must be honored.

Final Demand #1 (contract pending time frame)
To all parties, persons and entities listed in collusion with this Commercial fraud and thievery of real private property: You are demanded to cease and desist immediately, or face possible Criminal Complaints/charges, to include restitution for past, present and future actions against the people of Texas, a republic. Your non-rebuttal and/or silence will constitute support of the FRAUD. We the People are issuing these Demands, without dishonor and by the will of the Texian people; because we have discovered that the Texian people have no liabilities to foreign un-chartered and/or unauthorized Commercial Entities operating within the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas.

Final Demand #2 (contract pending time frame)
It is now demanded through me, Ed Brannum, Interim Secretary of Interior for the Texian people, for you to produce your Statutory and Regulatory authority that gives you venue and jurisdiction. It should be easily found in your Government Codes and organic Constitution to include a ratified Treaty of Annexation between the republic of Texas and the united States of America. The ratified Treaty should also be found in the Congressional Records of the united States of America and the republic of Texas. If you COMMISSIONER JERRY PATTERSON and all you are fail to comply, a fault will exist. In addition, your failure to promptly comply with this information will make void and invalidate all presentments, title transfers with name conversions. All invalidations IN FRAUDEM LEGIS will include all unlawful recordings involving any declared Texian National being past, present and/or future. You have ten days maximum from the date of receipt of this certified letter, to comply with or rebut my Demands for information.

Final Demand #3 (contract pending time frame)
COMMISSIONER JERRY PATTERSON, and all you are, that the unauthorized
Commercial foreign entities THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. page four above) inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas, including all Sub-Corporate Counties/Cities or any other fictional derivative(s) used in the unlawful title conversion of property, fraudulently confiscating of private property, the using of threats, coercion, collusion, conversion, and trickery using color of law for thievery of the Texian People's Lands is IN FRAUDEM LEGIS and is forever dissolved from doing Commercial business inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas.

Final Demand #4 (contract pending time frame)
four above) inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas, including all Sub-Corporate Counties/Municipalities/Cities or any other fictional derivative(s) and/or its Agents are to remain on the Land being the republic of the Texas and returned to the Texian people. Including all assets filtered and maneuvered throughout any Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and/or any Annual Cash Financial Reports
and/or any other financial report derivative name used, that concerns all Texian Peoples lands within the borders of the republic of Texas. You have 10 days in which to respond or rebut.

ORDER NISI (contract pending time frame)

All Texian People s Public land titles, Veteran land titles and/or any other land titles in holding as land titles are to be transferred over to the republic of Texas to be secured and held by the present Commissioner Jerry Patterson for the Texian people until such time that restitution and distribution can be achieved through the Interim Government and National Assembly of the republic of Texas.

All CAFR accounts/assets and Annual Financial Reports Volume I and II assets including all Trust accounts and/or other derivative accounting names associated with the Texian Peoples Public and/or Private lands with properties, Veterans lands and/or any other lands in holdings will be frozen until all assets and credits have been converted or formulated into specie accounting. At the appropriate time, restitution and distribution shall be achieved through the Interim Government and National Assembly of the republic of Texas.

All real properties, assets, buildings, equipment and holdings and their titles, associated with all Corporate alleged Federal prisons doing unlawful Commercial business without charter(s) and/or Treaty inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas are to immediately be transferred to the republic of Texas, Public General Land Office, and temporarily be held and secured by the present Commissioner Jerry Patterson for the Texian people until such time that restitution and distribution can be achieved through the Interim Government and National Assembly of the republic of Texas..

Non-compliance with the above Order NISI contract and/or Demand contract and with the continuing of criminal activities IN FRAUDEM LEGIS brought against the Texian People and their God given covenant rights brings forth;

A defaulted contract after 10 days to all concerned individual foreign parties, persons, assigns and/or Agents and/or Corporate entities in collusion with the present foreign Commercial frauds and thievery; are demanded to Cease and Desist immediately, or possibly be summoned for testimony in your behalf pending possible Criminal Complaints/charges recorded into the Republic of Texas Supreme Court. All Criminal Complaints/charges will include restitution for past, present and/or future actions against the people of Texas from Agent(s), administrator(s), or 3rd party representative(s) for THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. page four above) inside the geographical and political boundaries of the republic of Texas and to include all Sub-Corporate Counties, Sub-Corporate Municipalities/Cities and/or any other fictional derivative(s).

Therefore; the contractual Demands and Orders above, being final, make any continued violations against the Texian people, a Trespass upon the Lands of Texas, and a defaulted contract after 10 days will constitute probable cause for international criminal trespass subjecting you and all you are, as an individual associated party, person(s), representative(s), 3rd parties, assigns and/or Agents and/or Corporate entities to possibly be summoned individually to appear before the Republic of Texas Supreme Court, an Admiralty/Equity Court. Non-appearance may lead to involuntary dissolvent and/or involuntary bankruptcy for any of the above that are summoned and found by the Court to be violating the Texian people. Assets received from these individual bankruptcies will be sold and/or bartered and returned to the Texian people.

May our Creator God Bless and Protect the Land of Texas Forever.

Ed Brannum
Secretary of Interior
Interim Government
The republic of Texas
P. O. Box 100 Suite 133
Overton, republic of Texas near RTPZ 75684

Attested to by Rice McLeod Secretary of Judicial Affairs







  1. BLM Land Grab 2016 - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls ...

    Congressman Mac Thornberry is working with Senator John Cornyn to help protect the rights of Texas landowners who live on a disputed 116-mile stretch along ...

  2. BLM Land Grab 2016 - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls ...

    Congressman Mac Thornberry is working with Senator John Cornyn to help protect the rights of Texas landowners who live on a disputed 116-mile stretch along ...
